
Mechanical CAD software is used to integrate mechanical systems and designing complex interconnected mechanical devices in high technology sectors such as automobile and aerospace. Improvements in technology have forced manufacturers to install more mechanical components in the same available space to satisfy customer demands. Mechanical CAD software allows users to generate different blueprints of mechanical systems and select the most appropriate design.

Mechanical CAD software is often used in conjunction with other CAD software programs such as engineering and electrical to integrate all the needed components in the same available space. The software is also used to test mechanical design blueprints with the help of advanced simulation tools.

The software allows mechanical and electrical engineers to work concurrently on a design and share design changes. It allows mechanical system architects to assess different variations of the mechanical component layout and combine it with designs provided by electrical system architects. The software uses a mechanical design and optimization toolset with an integrated sketching environment that provides seamless integration between different mechanical sub systems. The software is developed according to intelligent design rules that support the design automation and configuration of components, as well as the automatic generation of correctly configured mechanical components and other information.

The software helps in controlling different aspects of mechanical system design such as interactive design process, physical location of components, and physical routing of small components. It allows component designers to work with different composite representations that are a superset of all possibilities and marking entities related to a particular option or set of options with the appropriate tags. This helps in reducing 3D modeling time, number of exchanges, and time spent in integrating mechanical and electrical models.

The software is also used to make three dimensional design presentations for getting the required approval and pointing out technical faults inherent in the design. Approved design files are then printed or copied onto CDs for distribution among other engineers and project managers.

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